mbdata 27.1.0 released

Dec 2, 2022 00:00 · 76 words · 1 minute read

We’ve released a new version of the mbdata package. It includes support for the latest MusicBrainz database schema and also a new command for automatically initializing a database mirror from scratch.

Setting up a new database mirror can be now as easy as:

pipx install "mbdata[replication]"

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/acoustid/mbdata/main/mbslave.conf.default -o mbslave.conf
vim mbslave.conf

mbslave init --create-user --create-database
mbslave sync

In addition to the Python package, we also have a container image with the mbslave tool at ghcr.io/acoustid/mbslave:v27.1.0.